Davina Jones, D.Min
Guest Column
All kids deserve to be loved! Operation Surprise Attack (OSA) was founded by a Toledo native, Lisa Fulton, hoping to spread love to kids with severe and rare health challenges. There is one special goal that OSA is serious about going after this year. That extra goal is spreading this love to ALL children, and that means African American kids and any child who can use some extra care.
Picture a child whose play life and school life are completely defined by their health challenge, and their family’s life is defined by one doctor or hospital visit after another. Imagine the child waking up one day to hundreds of cards from school kids and adults wishing them well. It’s a surprise attack of well wishes.
That is what OSA does. Except this time and for all time, OSA is going the extra mile to reach families that do not always receive the same care and attention from agencies.
OSA is looking for families in the African American community and beyond that they can bless with hundreds of cards, and in most cases, a small financial donation for the medical travel, groceries, and supplies. OSA is also looking for schools, churches, and community organizations to make cards that are then sent to the OSA kids and families. Lastly, OSA is inviting organizations to donate and sponsor families.
Let’s do it Toledo! To recommend a kid, have your school join the cause or donate to a family, go to OperationSurpriseAttack.org today. You may also leave a detailed message at 567-331-2162.