A Profile in Self-Hatred

Lafe Tolliver

By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column

In my humble opinion, if there ever was a case to be made for a Black person evidencing bizarre self-hatred of the first degree, the lieutenant governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, would win, hands down, the Pulitzer Prize, the Emmy, the Oscar, the Grammy and a Tony all at once.

Now that Mark Robinson has been outed as a hater of himself and his own ethnic background, more revelations continue to come when he engaged in character assassinations of Rev. Al Sharpton, Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey.

Seemingly, Mark Robinson has no bottom to the vicious racial mud barrel from which he has been throwing epitaphs at those personalities for decades and yet white people were so enthralled of an Uncle Tom towing the MAGA line that they voted him in as lieutenant governor. Go figure.

Recently, investigations have unearthed him calling Obama a “step-in-fetchit,” wishing that Rev. Sharpton were shot while Sharpton was engaged in a protest against police misconduct and accusing Ophrah of seemingly grooming kids for sexual misconduct.

However, what took the prize for me when it was revealed that Mark Robinson fondly described himself as a “black Nazi” and who also admired the corrupt institution of slavery and that he desired to even own slaves himself.

To evidence the fully disassembled thinking of this poor creature, Mark Robinson somehow forget to realize that the Nazi propaganda machine held Black people in total contempt and hatred.

So, in effect Mark was wishing a double hex upon himself since being a Nazi is antithetical to being a Black person. That is just a snippet of the self-hatred that Mark demonstrates towards others and especially himself.

What is also telling is the fact that Donald Trump has not disavowed Mark because as it may be impossible to even conceptualize, Trump has no moral concerns over such debasements but rather he is staying with Mark if that means getting the votes of similar thinking people.

One wonders how Mark’s brain (?) can co-exist holding two totally disparate thoughts or concepts in the same cranial space. You would think that Mark would suffer daily from acute migraine headaches in trying to quell the warring factions in his brain about hating himself so much and equally hating other Black people with the same fervid intensity.

The classic book, White Masks Black Skin, written by the late psychologist and philosopher Franz Fanon, would give the reader insights into the originations of such pathological thinking and reasoning; and it makes you wonder, what happened to Mark during his formative years that he developed such a degenerative mindset about people of color.

Of course, now that Mark has been outed by certain news media outlets including CNN, Mark has taken the usual Trump tactic and has denied saying such outrageous statements; and even to go as far as saying that he has his lawyers looking into suing CNN.

What a joke that would be! Any judge with two working brain cells would toss that libel case out on its ear upon reading Mark’s court pleadings.

What was also a clear tell that Mark has been caught with his pants down is that he was given offers by digital experts to delve into the veracity of these remarks since there were many traits and clues that indicate that the comments were indeed made by Mark.

But what did Mark do? He flatly refuses such expert assistance!

Answer: Mark knew the jig was up since those independent digital experts would only confirm what CNN’s investigation revealed and that Mark was the perpetuator of those mind-blowing remarks.

So now Mark is in North Carolina acting like he has been wrongly wounded by his own comments, comments that he never thought in a million years would turn on him and devour him and his campaign.

Rightfully so, there has been a mass defection of key staff members from his mortally wounded campaign (Mark denies the reason for such defections) and the GOP in that state has stopped funding his campaign.

Back in the day, Mark would be the prototype Plantation Negro who would squeal to the white bossman that the Field Negroes were about to make a run for the border at midnight.

After one gets over the acute embarrassment of a Mark Robinson acting the fool and hating on all things Black, you are brought to the reality that in post slavery America, a Mark Robinson was tolerated by those in the GOP who knew of these proclivities but remained silent because Mark was, “one of them.”

Gratefully these hellish comments from Mark Robinson came out now and hopefully, any political career for Mark has been busted wide open. How his wife and any family members can even tolerate him is a mystery to be solved on another day.

Mark Robinson will continue to deny the obvious and beat his chest thinking that he is a victim of that liberal left wing media cabal, but he knows that he is a man on an island, all by himself, except for Trump and the MAGA GOP.


Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com