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Miss Sarah’s Pitter Patter Childcare, LLC
For children 1½ -3 years-old,
8 am-5 pm
Monday -Friday
State- Licensed Program
Home Cooked Meals 419-534-2466
Public Bid Advertisement (Electronic Bidding)
State of Ohio Standard Forms and Documents
Electrical Systems Enhancements FY25-26
The University of Toledo
Lucas County, OH
Bids Due: April 01, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. through the State’s electronic bidding system at
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract of the contract sum with EDGE-certified business(es) AND additional 10% EDGE-certified OR Diverse Supplier vendors including MBE, WBE, VBE, BSVI, SDVOB, and LGBTBE.
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
Bid Package 1 – GC Main Campus $890,000.00
Bid Package 2 – GC Health Science Campus $650,000.00
Alternate-1 $145,000.00
Alternate-2 $85,000.00
Alternate-3 $90,000.00
And any proper combination submitted on electronic Bid Form
Pre-bid Meeting: March 18, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. – Main Campus, Plant Operations Building – Room 1000, The University of Toledo, 2925 East Rocket Drive, Toledo, OH 43606
Walk-Through: Immediately following Pre-Bid.
Bid Documents: Available electronically at
More Info: JDRM Engineering, Inc., Bill Link, 419-824-2400,
for Child Welfare Caseworker
Saturday, April 5, 10am-2pm
Lucas County Children Services
301 Adams Street, Toledo, OH 43604 (in The Summit Center)
Immediate On-Site Interviews
Walk-ins Welcome, but RSVP preferred.
For more information and to register, visit:
Rising Sun Casino – April 7-6
Motor City Casino – April 15
Call for info – 419-901-1515
Electronic proposals will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Lucas County, Ohio, by the Purchasing Department, One Government Center, Suite 480, Toledo, Ohio 43604-2247 until 2:00 P.M. (local time), March 31, 2025 and opened immediately thereafter for #2162-Request for Proposals for Centralized Record Storage for the Lucas County Clerk of Courts Records Center, according to specifications available for examination, or download the proposal by going to the site, Suppliers interested in doing business with Lucas County must register in the Supplier Portal. To access the Lucas County Oracle Supplier Portal, please visit: rLoop=7126760101772357&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=avudlxmca&_afrFS=16&_afrMT=screen &_afrMFW=1920&_afrMFH=932&_afrMFDW=1920&_afrMFDH=1080&_afrMFC=8&_afrMFCI=0&_afrMFM=0&_afrMFR=96& _afrMFG=0&_afrMFS=0&_afrMFO=0 Prior to 2:00 P.M. (local time), March 31, 2025 each proposal shall contain the full name of each person submitting the proposal and the name of every person or company interested in same. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of County Commissioners, Lucas County, Ohio. Lisa A. Sobecki – President Pete Gerken– Commissioner Anita Lopez – Commissioner #2162-Request for Proposals for Record Storage – Lucas County Publish: March 5, 2025
Public Bid Advertisement (Electronic Bidding)
State of Ohio Standard Forms and Documents
FY25 Carlson Library Renovations
The University of Toledo
Lucas County, OH
Bids Due: March 25, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. through the State’s electronic bidding system at
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract of the contract sum with EDGE-certified business(es) AND additional 10% EDGE-certified OR Diverse Supplier vendors including MBE, WBE, VBE, BSVI, SDVOB, and LGBTBE.
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
General Contract $2,301,250.00
Alternate-1 $188,400.00
Alternate-2 $191,900.00
Alternate-3 $20,050.00
Total Base Bid Plus Alternates $2,701,600.00
Pre-bid Meeting: March 11, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. – Main Campus, Plant Operations Building – Room 1000, The University of Toledo, 2925 East Rocket Drive, Toledo, OH 43606
Walk-Through: Immediately following Pre-Bid.
Bid Documents: Available electronically at
More Info: The Collaborative, Paul Meneilly, 419-242-7405,
Invitation for Bids
Snow Removal Services
IFB25-B001 AMP 111 Communities
IFB25-B002 AMP 122 Communities
IFB25-B003 AMP 131 Communities
IFB25-B004 AMP 133 Communities
IFB25-B005 AMP 133 Scattered Sites
IFB25-B006 AMP 121 Scattered Sites
Lucas Metropolitan Housing (LMH) will receive bids for Snow Removal Services at LMH Communities & Scattered Sites in accordance with the above-mentioned IFB’s. Received in accordance with law until March 11, 2025, at 3:00 PM ET. For documents:; 424 Jackson Street., Toledo, OH 43604; or 419-259-9438 (TRS: Dial 711). Bidders are required to meet Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity requirements as described in Executive Order #11246. This contract opportunity is a Section 3 Covered Contract, and any Section 3 Business Concerns are encouraged to apply.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Electronic Bids will be received by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority for all labor, material, insurance, and equipment necessary for the Bridge Rehabilitation Facility 3 Access Road located in Oregon, Ohio, in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, for the Port Authority at One Maritime Plaza, Toledo, Ohio 43604.
This project is being funded through an Ohio Environmental Protection Agency State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Program Grant.
The work on this project consists of the rehabilitation of the existing bridge on the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority Facility 3 Access Road over the Bayshore power plant (First Energy) discharge channel. The contractor will be responsible for furnishing all labor, supervision, permits, equipment, shop drawings, tools, services, testing, and incidentals required to complete the work required by the bid documents, project technical specifications, project construction drawings and contract documents. The contractor will also be responsible for covering the cost of all materials except for the structures pre-purchased from Valmont and bearing pads and plates pre-purchased from others, as well as receiving the items when delivered and for all installation costs.
The engineer’s estimate for the base bid is approximately $1.2 million. Bids that are in excess of 10% above the engineer’s estimate would be considered non-responsive. This project may be awarded by the Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority at its sole discretion.
Bids will be received through Bid Express, an online electronic bidding system, until Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 10:00 AM, at which time all bids will be opened through the Bid Express website.
The plans and bid proposal documents are available to all prospective bidders in digital format via Bid Express at: Bidders new to the electronic bidding system must first register on the Bid Express website ( Registration is Free. It can take up to five (5) business days to process a Digital ID and it is highly recommended that a Digital ID be enabled 48 hours in advance of submitting an electronic bid. Bidders must plan accordingly. For additional guidance regarding electronic bidding, bidders must contact Bid Express directly. Each bidder shall be responsible for submitting its electronic bid before the bid deadline. Electronic Proposals must be submitted on the form(s) included in Bid Express and shall be accompanied by a certified check or an acceptable Proposal Bond with satisfactory surety specifying the Toledo Lucas County Port Authority as the obligee, in the sum of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total proposal amount.
Please note that there will be a pre-bid meeting for this project for all prospective bidders on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 9:00 AM, local time at the Port Authority’s administrative offices at One Maritime Plaza, 7th floor conference room, Toledo, OH 43604. Attendance is suggested, but not mandatory. Please submit all questions through the Bid Express service by Monday, March 10, 2025, at 10:00 AM, local time. Questions submitted after the deadline not receive a response. Additional information can be found at
Thomas J. Winston
President and CEO
Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority
Public Bid Advertisement (Electronic Bidding)
State of Ohio Standard Forms and Documents
FY25 Mechanical Systems Improvements, Phase 6
Lake Erie Center – Boiler Replacement
The University of Toledo
Lucas County, OH
Bids Due: March 11, 2025, at 2:00 p.m. through the State’s electronic bidding system at
EDGE Participation Goal: 5.0% of contract of the contract sum with EDGE-certified business(es) AND additional 10% EDGE-certified OR Diverse Supplier vendors including MBE, WBE, VBE, BSVI, SDVOB, and LGBTBE.
Domestic steel use is required per ORC 153.011.
Contract Estimated Cost
General Trades $350,000.00
Pre-bid Meeting: February 25, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. – Main Campus, Plant Operations Building – Room 1000, The University of Toledo, 2925 East Rocket Drive, Toledo, OH 43606.
Walk-Through: No walk-through at this time.
Bid Documents: Available electronically at
More Info: Fishbeck, Kevin Lafferty, PE, 419-893.3141,
Volunteer Tutors Needed
St. Philip Lutheran Church, 3002 Upton at Central is seeking tutors in Math and English for our “Raise a Child” tutoring programs. This will be for 4th to 6th graders from McKinley Stem Academy on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4pm to 5pm, from February to May. This is a wonderful opportunity to share your time and talent with children who need assistance in these subjects. Background checks and child safety classes will be required. Please call 419-283-434 if you are interested
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