What Is The Sojourner’s Truth?

The Sojourner’s Truth is an innovative weekly newspaper serving the African-American community in the northwest Ohio area. The Truth started publication in April of 2002 and has grown to a readership of over 70,000 readers today.
The Truth is a newspaper that is published by, for and about the African-American community. We strive to bring our readers in-depth information about education, business, arts, cultural activities and local and national politics. We also pride ourselves on maintaining a proper objectivity about the news we present and up-to-date opinion and editorials on things that are of importance to the community.
The Truth is an active participant in community events and we offer advertisers an opportunity to reach northwest Ohio’s largest minority population not only to promote goods and services, but also to reach out to a vast employee pool.
The Truth is a proud member of the Society of Professional Journalists and our staff are also members of the Northwest Ohio Black Media Association, the National Association of Black Journalists and the Toledo Press Club.
Where Is The Sojourner’s Truth?
The Truth is everywhere in the greater Toledo metropolitan area. We can be found in over 100 locations, including dining and entertainment establishments, retail and specialty stores, office buildings, all public library branches, hotels, universities, and government offices.
America’s Booming Minority Market
The overall population of the Toledo/Lucas County area may have decreased during the last decade, but the African-American segment of that population did not. In fact, the black population rose by almost six percent during the most recent decennial census in Lucas County.
A typical reader of the Truth is 43.9 years old. Sixty percent have attended college, 90 percent have a high school diploma; 54 percent are female, 46 percent are male.
From an advertiser’s point of view, one of the vital statistics to be considered is one which reflects the black community’s surge in income and purchasing power. Nationwide, African-Americans comprise a market segment that has a buying power of almost $900 billion.
Toledo’s black community is clearly on the upswing, both from the standpoints of economy and numbers. Just as clearly, Corporate America can not afford to overlook this important part of its customer base.
A well-designed advertising campaign in an appropriate medium such as The Sojourner’s Truth will attract many more customers.