League of Women Voters Celebrate the 19th Amendment

Regina Vincent-Williams, EdD, (standing) with Co- presidents Rosie Barciz and Bonnie Bishop

By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter

The League of Women Voters of Lucas County celebrated the ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote, at Scramblers Monday, August 19. The celebration included brunch and a presentation of Sojourner Truth’s 1851 speech in Akron, Ohio (later referred to as “Ain’t I a Woman?”

The League of Women Voters®, a non-partisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. (source: www.lwvtoledo-lucascounty.org) The motto of the organization is “Empowering Voters, Defending Democracy.”

“We’re here today to celebrate the 19th amendment which was ratified August 18, 1920,”  stated Co-President Bonnie Bishop. “And that we’ve made considerable progress yet our struggle continues for women’s equality.”

Recently the organization has been heavily involved in the issues of gerrymandering and fair maps. “We worked hard with the fair districts and we’re hoping for a good outcome on the gerrymandering issue which will be on the November 5th ballot,” she stated.

Issue 1, The Citizens Not Politicians Amendment, aims to end gerrymandering by empowering citizens, not politicians, to draw fair districts using an open and transparent process by:

  • Creating the 15-member Ohio Citizens Redistricting Commission made up of Democratic, Republican, and Independent citizens who broadly represent the different geographic areas and demographics of the state.
  • Ban current or former politicians, political party officials and lobbyists from sitting on the Commission.
  • Requiring fair and impartial districts by making it unconstitutional to draw voting districts that discriminate against or favor any political party or individual politician.
  • Requiring the commission to operate under an open and independent process. “

(Source: citizensnotpoliticians.org)

Regina Vincent-Williams, EdD, dressed as Sojourner Truth

LWV-TLC is one of the oldest Local Leagues in the State of Ohio. Since 1921, the League has earned a reputation as a highly respected citizens’ organization that researches issues from many points of view and educates the public and decision makers. The League consists of women and men who want to make a difference in our communities, our country, and our world and who care about democracy. The LWV is considered the original grassroots citizen network. LWV-TLC is a chapter of the League of Women Voters of Ohio and the U.S. (source: www.lwvtoledo-lucascounty.org)

The LWV-TLC is also currently conducting outreach at the local high schools encouraging high school seniors to register to vote for the upcoming election. The group is also recruiting young poll workers with “Youth to the Booth.”

“We have lots of irons in the fire. We’re always trying to educate voters. Not just registering people- but actually getting them to the polls,” said Bishop.

How to Join

Lucas County residents can call 419-540-3487 or go to lwvtoledo-lucascounty.org to either join online or print a mail-in membership form. The organization is open to men.

How to Support League Activities

Contributions to LWV-TLC support the League’s non-partisan, local programming in northwest Ohio. Funding is needed to underwrite publications, such as the New Citizens’ Guide to Voting, sponsor speakers on issues of concern to the community, and a multitude of other voter service programs.  The LWV is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization so contributions are tax deductible.

Contributions in any amount to assist with local programming of LWV-TLC are greatly appreciated. Donate online or send checks to:

League of Women Voters of Toledo-Lucas
P.O. Box 2506
Toledo, OH 43606

A Calendar of events are listed on the LWV-TLC website www.lwvtoledo-lucascounty.org. General Meetings are open to the public. All are welcome.