10th Annual Motown Dinner & Dance Cruise

The Truth Staff

On Friday night, August 16, about 150 Toledoans headed north to join Donnetta Carter on her 10th annual Motown Dinner & Dance Cruise aboard the four-story Detroit Princess. This year the Toledoans filled up the third story of the Princess and enjoyed a sumptuous buffet dinner, a Motown music revival by the Prolifics, a cruise along the Detroit River to admire the beauty of both the American and Canadian shorelines and a lot of dancing.

The 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. dinner and dance cruise offers those on board an opportunity to view the sights during daylight hours and to see the nighttime lights on all the downtown Detroit buildings. An almost full moon on this particular night added to visual pleasures.

As always, the cruise is more than just an opportunity to party. Carter always uses the funds raised to donate to a worthy cause. This year, the recipient of those funds was a non-profit organization called Operation Surprise Attack. Carter presented a check to the organization for $1,950 on the night of the cruise and assured that more funds are forthcoming from additional donors.

Founded by Lisa Fulton three years ago, Operation Surprise Attack’s goal is to bring some joy to children afflicted by diseases and conditions that leave them permanently disabled. The funds pay for cards and gifts for these children.

Following dinner, the donation and the Motown stylings by the Prolifics, the Toledoans were treated to a bit of surprise – a hula hoop contest conducted by DJ Invisible that had the diners roaring with laughter from beginning to the end.