Lucas County Clerk of Court’s Bernie Quilter Announces the Re-opening of the Heatherdowns Automobile and Watercraft Title office.

Lucas County Clerk of Court’s Bernie Quilter announces the re-opening of the Heatherdowns Automobile and Watercraft Title office.

Lucas County Clerk of Courts J. Bernie Quilter announced last week the Heatherdowns Branch office of the Automobile and Watercraft Division, located at 4456 Heatherdowns Blvd. officially re-opened for business effective August 5, 2024.  Business hours will be the same as were previously.  The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. With the re-opening of the Heatherdowns Auto Title office, we now are back to having all four offices open for business, which includes  offices at 4900 N. McCord Rd, 3034 Navarre Ave. in Oregon and the Downtown Toledo office at 1600 Madison Ave.

            The office has been closed for over a year due to a fire that occurred in June of 2023 which resulted in a total loss of all equipment and contents within the office.  This resulted in a complete renovation and build out of the entire office including equipment from both the State of Ohio and Lucas County.  “It has been a long journey getting to this point stated Mr. Quilter and re-opening this South Toledo office will once again provide the needed convenience for our citizens living in the South Toledo area. Maumee and the communities in the Southwest part of Lucas County.”  “Once again, the citizens of Lucas County will have four Auto Title offices conveniently located throughout Lucas County.” “I appreciate the patience that our citizens have shown during this renovation process”’ said Mr. Quilter.

            The Heatherdowns office will process all auto title transactions, and U.S. Passport applications for our citizens.  All the automobile dealers in the surrounding area will now have less travel time to process their title transactions as well.

Additional information may be obtained by contacting Lucas County Clerk of Courts Bernie Quilter at 419-213-4405.