Kaptur Statement on President Biden’s Announcement To Not Seek Reelection

This week, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) released a statement following the announcement by President Joe Biden that he will not seek reelection to the presidency, and will choose to retire at the end of his term in office:

“When President Biden leaves office, he will do so after more than five decades of devoted, effective, and honorable public service. His gentlemanly endurance has moved our nation forward through recovery following the COVID-19 Pandemic, while achieving the highest job creation of any President in modern history. He has kept America strong, and expanded Freedom’s canopy abroad. History will record and look fondly on this significant progress.
“Throughout his service, he has walked fiercely at Liberty’s side at home and abroad. He has stood tall as a steadfast champion of working men and women. Despite enduring profound personal tragedy, he has always been driven to make life better for his fellow Americans. His gift for finding the common ground of compromise has been essential to America’s progress as the 21st Century dawned.
“His work as President resulted in long overdue passage of the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and targeted investments to rebuild our roads, bridges, and rail systems. He has overseen the rebirth of the American auto and steel manufacturing and energy sectors right here in Northern Ohio. He assured passage of the Butch Lewis Act, and major projects across our oft-neglected Great Lakes Region.
“I deeply respect his selfless decision to step aside, and know he will continue to use his talents to look for allies and partnerships in our complicated world to help our region and nation thrive for the generations to come.”