By Dawn Scotland
The Truth Reporter
St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church in partnership with the Toledo Chapter of the Top Ladies of Distinction and the Corvette Club provided over 15 Thanksgiving baskets to those in need this season Saturday, November 18 and offered free health screenings through ABC Healthcare, Inc.
St. Paul’s annual Thanksgiving basket give away has been a tradition of the church for years and was recently halted to covid. The congregation is happy to be able to bring the tradition back.
Baskets were full of turkeys, canned goods and baking supplies needed for the season as well as health information provided by ABC Healthcare. The Corvette Club contributed four baskets, ABC Healthcare provided two baskets and the Top Ladies of Distinction provided assistance in support of Seniors, Women and Alzheimer Awareness month.
The five church ‘circles’, small groups that keep the membership connected (Genesis, Love, Matthew, Job and Ruth circles), provided one or two baskets each.
“We’re reaching back out to the community to give back,” stated Rev. James H. Willis, Sr., lead pastor of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. “During the pandemic many things were put on hold and a lot of families were suffering during that time…What we’re planning to do is let them know that there is still hope for those that may be in need.”
“As we gave out this morning, we prayed that He would bless it… There are families that are going to be happy for this Thanksgiving. They will remember that their little help came from St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church.”