By Deborah Barnett, Lisa Holden, LaVonda Johnson, Terri Sutton, Phyllis Wadley
Special to The Truth
Litchfield Country Club and Resort was the place to be for women golfers of all ability levels and golf goals. On June 9 – 11, Browns Mill Women’s Golf Association (BMWGA) hosted the 23rd annual Women’s Only Golf Tournament in Myrtle Beach, SC. Over 170 women from 17 states were represented for two days of golf, fun and fellowship. The BMWGA Women’s Only Tournament is a two-day 36-Hole Stroke Play Tournament played in accordance with the 2023 USGA Rules of Golf.
The organizers take great pride in making the event enjoyable for all golfers. There are three options to play in: Competitive with nine flight groupings based on handicap, Non-Competitive, and the Sassy Seniors groupings. Vendors support the tournament and donations are made to award prizes and generous cash awards in each flight and grouping.
Many women have attended for years and some since its inception. This year, Toledo had quite the representation with veteran attendees, Deborah Barnett, Terri Sutton and Phyllis Wadley. First time Toledo attendees were LaVonda Johnson and Lisa Holden. Lisa and LaVonda agreed, “In a sport and hobby where we are rarely seen or represented, it was almost spiritual in nature to be among so many of our beautiful sisters that have a love and passion for the game of golf like we do.” Returning BMWGA golfer Terri Sutton noted, “There’s a whirlwind of sisterhood at the tournament that I embraced.”

Some of the golfers traveling to BMWG Tournament via airplane, landed at the Myrtle Beach airport from different cities around the same time, greeted each other as family and longtime friends. The happiness shown on our faces signal the special bond we have as Black women golfers, an impressive experience you will always want to repeat each year. Thanks to Debbie Barnett, the Black female golfers here in Toledo will continue to be a part of this event.
Saturday evening, at the dinner and awards ceremony, BMWGA honored the women 80 years and older with a rose and special recognition for their seniority, contributions, and continued love of the game of golf.
If you are a woman who loves golf, check out BMWGA for an unforgettable opportunity to connect and bond with women from all over the country, of all skill levels, interests, and backgrounds. As first-time attendees, LaVonda and Lisa cannot wait until next year!
Browns Mills Women’s Golf Tournament has been one of the greatest experiences of my life as a golfer. When my friend Jeanne told me about this tournament, I said, ladies let us go and the rest is history.
Our first tournament was in June of 2013. A group of Toledo girlfriends traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to play golf, shop, and fellowship. That experience has kept us going back for 10 years. We reunited with old friends and met new friends. I was sitting at a table with a group of women from Atlanta and when I said I was from Toledo, a lady said my husband is from Toledo. We have exchanged contact information and promised to stay in touch.
I will end with this hashtag……#mine (May It Never End)