Rep. Hicks-Hudson: Ohioans still deserve the freedom to make their own health care decisions after Supreme Court strikes down Roe v. Wade
Special to The Truth
State Rep. Hicks-Hudson (D-Toledo) last week issued a statement after the Supreme Court’s conservative majority struck down Roe v. Wade, which established the right to access safe and legal abortion care in the United States.
“It is a sad day to find out that the Justices who stated that they believed in legal precedent during their nomination hearings lied. Now, some women will use dangerous medical practices, forego access to healthcare, or be subjected to pregnancies that endanger their well-being and lives,” said Rep. Hicks-Hudson. “We must organize and use our voices and votes to push back.”
Over 60 percent of Ohioans< agree with the Roe v. Wade decision to allow access to abortion. Despite this, Ohio Republicans continue to prioritize legislation to ban abortion, including the six-week abortion ban signed into law by Gov. DeWine in 2019. House Bill 598 and Senate Bill 123are current pieces of legislation that would completely ban abortion in Ohio without any exceptions for rape, incest or to protect the health of the mother.
Meanwhile, Democrats have introduced House Joint Resolution (HJR) 5, a constitutional amendment that would ensure all people have the freedom to make decisions about their bodies and healthcare. This includes the ability to obtain surgical and medical abortion services. Additionally, the amendment would codify the right to access and use contraceptive devices and medications.
HJR 5 still awaits assignment to a House committee and a first hearing.