The Truth Staff
The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc, Zeta Xi Zeta Chapter, hosted their second annual Skate Away on Sunday, February 5, at Ohio Skate Maumee. Several dozen Zetas and their families and invited guests skated the evening away, breaking for CPR and life-saving demonstrations.
“We wanted to bring attention to heart disease and also honor the memory of our sorority sister, Victoria Penamon,” said Chapter President Angela Crooks. “She passed away from heart disease in May of 2021. We really want people to understand that heart disease can affect people of all ages.
“In this particular case, our soror had just had her 35th birthday and had just given birth,” Crokks continued. “I just want people to understand that early on they should understand that healthy eating and exercise and immediate attention to someone who has a problem, can save lives.”
Conducting a demonstration on managing heart disease was Thasia Awad, founder and owner of On The Line Training and Education,
In her role as a crisis counselor, Awad has brought information and training “nearly every kind of industry.” However, working with business is not enough.
“My goal is to bring awareness to the community, to individuals,” she says as she demonstrates the various devices she trains individuals on such as the AED machine that people with limited or no health care training can learn.