By Lafe Tolliver, Esq
Guest Column
The time is April 3, 2025. The place is the Dallas/Fort Worth airport. On the runway is commercial charter flight 312 with 312 Nicaraguan undocumented “aliens” on board. Seventy-three children are also passengers.
The area around the plane is swarming with both ICE agents and other masked federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security.
In a black limousine surrounded by military Jeeps, President Trump sits watching the commotion with a grin on his orange face. He has waited months for this auspicious occasion.
It was a hotly and divisive 5-4 US Supreme Court case that allowed Trump to exercise executive powers to start his promised shipment of illegal aliens out of the country; and it was now coming to fruition.
There were no protesters outside of the airport due to extreme security and radio silence about this event. Not even Congressional members were informed of this flight or where it was headed, but Trump knew.
It was headed to Caracas based upon a promise of an upfront hefty payment of 50 million dollars to the corrupt Elehandro government which was quietly seeking US currency to help stabilize their faltering monetary system.
The passengers on board were culled from lists of the most recent immigrants to cross the Mexican border at El Paso, Texas and were detained in a hastily built tent camp in the desert. Visitors were not allowed including immigration attorneys or the clergy.
Through surveillance cameras, Trump was able to view the embarking passengers as if they were vermin under a microscope. It did not matter to Trump that some of the detainees were US citizens but because their US passports were expired, they were fair game by the strong-armed ICE police.
Two intrepid reporters who happened to come upon the hidden campsite were detained without warning or a hearing; and were held incommunicado from their wire services.
Several of the boarding male passengers tried to put up some minimal resistance but were tased, hogtied, blindfolded and placed on the jetliner near the cargo section.
All systems were go as the control tower gave clearance for the aircraft to start taxing before takeoff.
On the plane, people were crying, shouting and demanding justice.
No one listened and no one cared. They were to be the first guinea pigs of Trump’s first mass deportation plan, whether they liked it or not.
Other than the quiet sobbing of the captive passengers, the ride to Venezuela was uneventful…until.
Until the plane, paid for by an anonymous GOP PAC out of Texas, was approaching about 500 miles out from the Caracas airport.
The following is a verified transcript of the recordings from the plane to ground control at the airport.
PILOT: Hello, this is Flight 312 from Dallas, Texas with coordinates 73 south, 47 north and an altitude of 13 003, requesting landing bearings and runway clearance number. OVER.
CARACAS CONTROL TOWER: Flight 312, we read you loud and clear but show no preclearance authorization for landing in our country. OVER.
PILOT (confused) Do not understand your transmission. We are flight 312 and were cleared for takeoff in Dallas and to Caracas. OVER.
CARACAS CONTROL TOWER: Flight 312, you do not have authorization to land.
Your onboard passengers are considered non-cleared parties of unknown origins.
I repeat. Your permission to land has not been approved by our government. OVER.
PILOT (seemingly anxious). Listen, I have over 300 passengers that I need to set down and you are the only airport that can accommodate this plane and our gas is low. OVER.
CARACAS CONTROL TOWER: Again, we have a radio message from our government that in no circumstances are you to land in our country. I suggest that you redirect your flight coordinates to that of SCRK-456 and land in Aruba.
PILOT: That is not an option. We are headed in for a landing in zero five minutes.
CARACAS CONTROL TOWER: Flight 312, I have been instructed that if you attempt such an illegal landing, it will be considered an act of aggression and a violation of our sovereignty and airspace; and appropriate military action will be taken forthwith! OVER.
PILOT: Our landing gear is down and we are coming in hot! OVER.
CARACAS CONTROL TOWER: _________Silence.
All that is remembered is that two Venezuelan military jet fighters were dispatched from the airport heading towards the jetliner with orders from
the military junta to prevent its illegal landing due to national security threats from the incoming jet liner.
If you were watching from the ground, a large orange fireball soon lit up the
sky. It was later learned that the promised payment for the illegal immigrants to land in Caracas was withdrawn at the last moment by Donald Trump.
The promised mass deportation hit its first snag.
Search and recovery for the downed passengers continues; Trump denies making any promised payment to Caracas.
Contact Lafe Tolliver at tolliver@juno.com