A Pastoral Rebuke and Response to the Attempted Assassination of

Donald J. Trump
By Pastor Brandon A.A.J. Davis
Guest Column

Aaron Zitner and Clare Ansberry of the Wall Street Journal authored a column that I read early Sunday Morning (7/14/24) entitled: “A Nation on Edge Fears an Election Careening Toward an Ugly Finish.” Both social media, news media outlets, and televised media, are calling yesterday’s shooting an assignation attempt against Donald Trump, and that very well may be what happened.

Yet still, what’s more alarming than the plausibility of a dubious attempt at assassinating Trump is the fear tactics of the Wall Street Journal and others who seek to lay claim to exactly whose corruptible and damnable-evil inspired actions are solely responsible for creating the polarized and lawless culture we now live in.

At the risk of sounding misanthropic toward white people and assuming all white people feel entirely the same about Donald Trump, the fact remains that Butler, PA, a city 35 miles north of Pittsburgh and whose racial demographics are 93.6 percent white, stands to reason; exactly who shot Trump? More than that, what person skilled enough to shoot only a man’s ear would risk their life to do so?

Both Zetner and Ansberry, I assumed, are innocent bystanders to this scathing rebuke; still, I must employ Black preacher prophetic language in that the troubles that have befallen Trump are of his own doing, and daringly, I say a horrible ruse of his creation to draw sympathetic attention and support to his camp.

To liken the violent end to the 2020 election and the ensuing riot in the US Capital on January 6, 2021, which was inspired by Trump, to yesterday’s ear-plinking wreaks the foul stitch of a Republican overreach for a sympathetic vote. To that, I say stand firm and resist this republican base pandering that seeks to further divide this nation with a poorly played out political assassination.

While the Wall Street Journal polemically sought to outline precisely how shaken up this country is, I did notice how they none gleefully sideswiped President Joe

Biden regarding his debate performance and age. What troubles me the most between the media’s so-called assassination attempt against Trump and the state of the country, whose political teeth are set on edge, is the uncontested reality that where we are started with the Tea Party and then the birther movement, which later it was morphed into republican cowardice who step-in-fetch-it-[ly] both kneeled and bowed down to Donald Trump.

And yes, the truth remains the same: we are in this position because of President Obama’s election in 2008, which unleashed a white lash of racism and hatred coupled with their idolatrous worship of the most inept and incompetent former president this country has ever had. True to form, and unless we wake up, read, and vote, white Christian Nationalists and their ultra-conservative partners will finish the incivility overhaul of America with Project 2025.

Let me end this witness as the preacher that I am. To those who mislead society with a narrowing of the truth and have engaged in idol worship of a Godless man; hear ye the word of the Lord; “Woe to those who draw iniquity with cords of deceit and pull sin along with cart ropes…” – Isaiah 5:18. God is not mocked neither is God easily made fun of. You will reap what you sow. Amen


Brandon A. A. J. Davis, DMin

56th Senior Pastor

Warren A.M.E. Church